Building a New Approach to Justice
As designed, our justice system is fundamentally unjust, inhumane, and no derivative of it is going to work. We must build something brand new in its place that is restorative, community-led, and racially-just.
We need a transformative vision of justice. Justice that is actually just.
As a Foundation, we want to catalyze this new vision of justice; strategies created from a place of caring rather than fear; strategies that are rooted in community and led by those who have been most harmed by our nation’s failed systems; strategies that are proven to make people safe and reduce harms.

It’s Working.
What we’re calling for is not a moonshot. There are leaders and organizations working tirelessly to build and implement new models of justice that are rooted in the community and led by those who have been most impacted by the system’s harms. And they are working. We need to drive resources to the ground to fund this work
Issue Areas

Adult Criminal Justice