Investing in Effective Community-Based Solutions
It is time to move from investing billions of dollars in failed prison models to investing in proven, effective community-based solutions. Research shows there is virtually no relationship between incarceration and crime rates – and that spending time in prison may actually increase the likelihood of a person’s return. By contrast, studies reinforce that local interventions have positive impacts on people and improve community safety.
The solutions to over incarceration lie with those who are most proximate to the issues. Heroes exist in the very neighborhoods that are most often relegated for being riddled with crime and violence. These models need to be resourced and replicated around the country.
Advancing Community Reinvestment

Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
A state-based advocacy organization working to reduce the number of people incarcerated, redirect savings from reform to fund community-based safety and development strategies targeting communities most impacted by crime and the criminal justice system, improve access to medical and behavioral health care for justice-involved people, and build political power through increased voter engagement.

Urban Institute
A nonpartisan policy research organization that examines social, economic, and governance issues. Urban focuses on communicating its findings in ways that are useful not only to other researchers but to program administrators and practitioners, policymakers, journalists, advocacy groups, and the public. Urban’s Justice Policy Center’s work includes research related to prioritizing community-based alternatives for justice system-involved adults and youth.