Creating a Laboratory for New Ideas
Race, Redemption, and Restoration is a time-bound initiative to fund promising programs advancing racial equity, redemption after incarceration, and community restoration. The initiative is designed to be a catalyst to multiply successful efforts and build a movement across the country.
The issues of race, redemption and restoration are central to Public Welfare Foundation’s mission and values and cut across the Foundation’s established core program areas.
Public Welfare Foundation will award a limited number of grants focusing on race, redemption and restoration. Organizations interested in applying for a grant can submit a Letter of Inquiry to the Foundation here.
Advancing Race, Redemption & Restoration

Forward Justice
Forward Justice’s work redirecting resources from systems to community-based alternatives.

Common Justice
Common Justice’s efforts to change the narrative about how people view violent crime, in part, by enlisting victims—who do not all want the perpetrator locked up forever—to tell their stories

Community Connections for Youth
Community Connections for Youth and DC’s Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services creation of an army of individuals who are most affected by the problem to be the solution.