Logistical Information
- The Foundation requires that groups do not publicize, advertise or distribute materials prior to receiving a fully executed agreement, countersigned by the Foundation.
- All promotional materials must refer to the “True Reformer Building,” and not Public Welfare Foundation. Any material containing the name of the Foundation must be cleared in advance with the Foundation and cannot be printed or distributed before written approval is given.
- Food and drinks can be served at the True Reformer Building but only buffet style meals can be accommodated. Food (including plated dinners) that requires additional heating can not be accommodated. Alcohol from an approved vendor is permitted. Those using the space should arrange for services directly with an approved vendor.
- The Marsh Room does not require the use of an A/V technician. If A/V equipment is critical to your event, we encourage you to hire a technician from our approved vendor list. If you have a licensed audio visual technician you’d like to use in lieu of ours, they must be approved by the Foundation before your event.
- As the True Reformer Building also serves as an office building during the daytime, no music can be played during the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Music can be played at evening events only.
- Organizations are required to provide a “greeter,” or lobby attendant who is responsible for ensuring that only authorized equipment and invited attendees enter the space.
- Organizations are prohibited from bringing any equipment into the spaces before, during, or after the event.
- Organizations cannot move furniture. All requests for room configuration must be made in advance in order to be included in the contract.
- Signage is limited to the rooms being reserved – signage is not allowed in the lobby or other areas of the building.
- The True Reformer Building does not offer reserved parking to event hosts or attendees. There is street parking in the area, subject to availability.